Tech Talk: Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves

The Moshi Digits Touchscreen GlovesThe Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves
The Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves
Picture the scenario. You're walking the dog on a cold winter's day and the phone rings. It's that all important call from the wife you've been waiting for.

But in your attempts to stay warm you're so togged up in your layers of seasonal garments that you struggle to retrieve it from your trouser pocket, before whipping off your gloves in a frenzy as you desperately try to avoid the cut.

Phew! - all panic is averted as you make it just in time, but while enjoying that feeling of relief while jabbering away to your loved-one you've failed to realise those poor old gloves have been dropped and abandoned, unlovingly left on a street corner to fester away like an unwanted apple core.

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This has happened to me on numerous occasions, but not any more, because now I've got a pair of Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves.

The Moshi Digits Touchscreen Gloves will keep you warm in winter.