Brothers who damaged windows at home in Skegness to pay

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Two brothers who threw stones at the home of a family with whom they had a long standing dispute have been ordered to pay for the damage.

Brothers Connor (20) and Jordan (24) Siree of Manor Court, Roman Bank, Skegness admitted damaging the leaded glass windows in Lumley Road belonging to Jade Norris, when they appeared at Boston Magistrates Court.

Prosecuting, Nick Todd said there was a history between the two families and at around 5pm on January 12, the brothers were seen throwing stones at Ms Norris' home.

He said there had been no repetition since then.

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Mitigating, Philippa Chatterton said there had been a long standing dispute between them and there had been a confrontation in the town centre that day after which the brothers returned to throw stones at their house.

“Since then they've kept away from the town centre,” she said.

District Judge Peter Veits told them it had been 'a silly thing to do' and that 'hopefully they had learned their lesson'.

He ordered them each to pay £150 compensation for the broken windows and £85 in costs.