Dinosaurs in a whole new light at the New Theatre Royal

Ben Garrod is presenting So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? in Lincoln next monthBen Garrod is presenting So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? in Lincoln next month
Ben Garrod is presenting So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? in Lincoln next month
Think you know about dinosaurs? Think again.

All the things you thought you knew about dinosaurs are probably wrong.

Instead of being green and scaly, they actually almost all had feathers and instead of making terrifying, ferocious roars, they sounded more like garden birds.

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Dinosaur expert Ben Garrod is heading to theatres across the country this year to show kids how wacky and wild dinosaurs really were in his new family show, So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs?

And he will be coming to Lincoln’s New Theatre Royal on February 15.

So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? will be a hands-on event for the whole family.

Ben will give children the chance to shout out what they already know and discover new strange Dino sights and sounds.

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From the longest, to the smallest, the tallest to the shortest, creepiest to cutest, Ben will have heads spinning with weird and wonderful stats and facts.

A TV presenter and scientific expert, Ben is best known for co-presenting the BBC1 show Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur with the legendary wildlife TV presenter Sir David Attenborough.

He is excited to go on an adventure with his audience and hopes to learn a few new facts for himself along the way.

He said: “We have all, at some point, had fascination with dinosaurs or thought they’re pretty cool.

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“I want to give families the chance to take everything they thought they knew about these ancient animals and discover the truth.

“We’ll be using the most recent and up to date studies to give audiences as many amazing and cool facts as we can.

“I have done talks where kids will stick up their hands and ask me questions I don’t know the answer to, so maybe I’ll learn something too.”

Ben will certainly be put to the test when he is quizzed by the younger generation of geniuses.

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Will he be outsmarted by a clever and intellectual five year-old?

Were dinosaurs really that dangerous and were they green or were some of them actually ginger?

Tickets for the Lincoln show are on sale now on 01522 519999 or www.newtheatreroyallincoln.co.uk