Age friendly businesses in East Lindsey are awarded

Franklin Hall, Spilsby.Franklin Hall, Spilsby.
Franklin Hall, Spilsby.
Age friendly businesses across East Lindsey have received awards from an organisation looking to make growing older more enjoyable.

Talk, Eat and Drink in East Lindsey (TED) is one of 14 partnership programmes funded through The National Lottery Community Fund - Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better Programme.

More than 70 businesses already with the award, including 10 presented in the past few months.

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Jane Adams, TED. Age-Friendly Business Officer, said: "A spokesman said: "When people see these certificates/window stickers in businesses they should feel confident they have met the criteria of Age-friendly customer service, consumer comfort, clear marketing and communications and accessibility. Well done to all involved in achieving the Award.

Greggs, Skegness.Greggs, Skegness.
Greggs, Skegness.

During July to the end of August, the businesses awarded include Gregg Skegness, The Plough Inn Binbrook, Franklin Hall Spilsby, G&S Oliver Spilsby, Horncastle Garden Centre, SO Festival 2019, School House Coffee Bar Horncastle, Lincs Digital, Woodthorpe Garden Centre, and R Wisby Butchers Wragby.

TED is a partnership of older people and voluntary and public sector agencies, led by Community Lincs, working closely in East Lindsey to reduce social isolation and loneliness that many older people in the district experience. TED has developed innovative and creative ways for people, aged over 50, to be actively involved in their local communities.

The overarching outcomes of the TED programme are:

• More older people will be better connected with volunteering, social, leisure and health improving activities leading to an enhanced quality of life

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Woothorpe Garden Centre.Woothorpe Garden Centre.
Woothorpe Garden Centre.

• More older people in East Lindsey will report that they do not feel lonely or isolated

• More older people in East Lindsey will feel positive about the opportunities that getting older presents

• Older people in East Lindsey will have more opportunities to influence the design and delivery and evaluation of services and businesses available to them

TED is taking a test and learn approach to identifying appropriate services and has successfully developed local solutions to meet local needs, and the programme consists of a number of different strands of activity:

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Horncastle Garden CentreHorncastle Garden Centre
Horncastle Garden Centre

• Friendship Groups and activities designed to bring people together in a social setting. TED sees the benefit for older people getting together in groups as this enables friendship to develop and the ability to share ideas and support each other.

• TED has developed an Age Friendly Business accreditation for businesses that meet the strict criteria laid down by TED; successful businesses receive an accreditation certificate and a sticker to go on their window to show people they have achieved the quality award.

• TED also uses Delivery Partners which range from activities specifically aimed at men, such as Men’s Sheds, or CHAPS (Community Health Activity Project) through to activities for all people such as advice and advocacy, luncheon clubs, group support, digital skills as well as befriending. All Delivery Partners have been determined by need through local research undertaken by TED throughout East Lindsey.

If you are interested to find more about the TED Programme and/or you are a business wanting to find out about the Award then please contact 01529 301966 or mail [email protected].

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