Tealby teenager fined for assaulting two police officers

Boston Magistrates' Court.Boston Magistrates' Court.
Boston Magistrates' Court.
A Tealby teenager assaulted two police officers during and after an incident in which he attempted to get away from arrest for possessing cannabis, a court has heard.

Charles Archie Isaac Marfleet, 19, of Front Street, admitted possessing the drug and the two charges of assaulting police officers when he appeared at Boston Magistrates’ Court.

Prosecuting, Michael Little said an officer driving in a marked police car on Newbridge Hill in Louth at 4.50pm on July 29, saw Marfleet walking on the pavement and shouting ‘f*** the police’ at him as he drove by.

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Mr Little said the officer turned the car round and went up to Marfleet, who was carrying a blue shoulder bag and who was now on his phone.

He said Marfleet tried to push past the officer and run off but the officer grabbed hold of him and they both fell to the ground, leaving the officer with a twisted knee.

He said Marfleet was able to break free and ran off but he said that a search of the blue bag, which he had left behind, revealed 14 small blue sealed bags containing cannabis.

Other officers attended and Marfleet was found but ‘aggressively resisted arrest’ before he was placed in a police van.

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Mr Little said Marfleet continued to shout and swear at officers and deliberately spat at one, the saliva landing on his arm.

It was said Marfleet had a previous conviction, also for possessing cannabis and assaulting the police, in January last year.

Mitigating, Daven Naghen said the cannabis was for his own personal use and that Marfleet had been on the phone to his girlfriend at the time the officer approached him and he thought he could have waited until he had finished his conversation.

He said the officer had ‘no visible injuries and that Marfleet had ‘come off second best with regard to the injuries’.

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He said Marfleet had not intended to spit at the other officer but he had shaken his head to get saliva off his face and some of it had landed on the officer’s arm.

The Probation Service said Marfleet presented as ‘unremorseful’ and ‘did not take the matter very seriously’...’blaming it all on the police’.

The magistrates told him he had ‘not come out of this very well’ and that he was ‘still in complete denial about it’

He was given a 12 month community order and ordered to undertake 15 rehabilitation days and carry out 80 hours of unpaid work for the community.

He was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each of the officers and £95 in court costs and charges.