LED street lighting to reduce impact on environment across East Lindsey

LED street lighting is to be rolled out across East Lindsey.LED street lighting is to be rolled out across East Lindsey.
LED street lighting is to be rolled out across East Lindsey.
LED street lighting is part of a Carbon Reduction plan being introduced by East Lindsey District Council.

The authority says the plan aims to meet its net zero emissions ambition by 2040 and has been agreed by the Council’s Executive Board.

The Council made a commitment to reduce its impact on the environment back in 2019, identifying it as a priority in the recently adopted Corporate Strategy.

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In order to achieve this, the Council worked with the Carbon Trust to understand its carbon emissions across all its activities and assets with the Council’s vehicle fleet accounting for 50% of the overall carbon footprint between January until December 2019 at 2,583 tCO2e.

The plan sets out reduction opportunities such as energy management and a full LED lighting roll out across all council offices, driver training and performance management across the fleet with a view to exploring electrification of the vehicles also, mileage management, further LED lighting upgrades to public toilets and promenades with longer term ambitions focussed on a more energy efficient head office, exploring alternative fuels for the refuse fleet and electrification of all space heating at council offices and leisure facilities.

Progress will be monitored annually with a formal review in 2023 and the Council aiming to have reduced its emissions by a minimum of 45% b7 2027.

Alongside the plan, an Environmental Policy has also been agreed which demonstrates the Council’s commitment to improving the natural environment of the District for residents, businesses and visitors.

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Coun Graham Marsh, Deputy Leader of the Council/Portfolio Holder for Partnerships said: “East Lindsey District Council takes the issue of climate change very seriously and we have already implemented a number of measures to reduce emissions across the District, with examples including the appointment of a Climate Change Manager, solar panels on many of our buildings; electric car charging points across the district and all footway lighting upgraded to LED.

“As well as looking at how we operate as a Council and looking to reduce our emissions, we’ve also established a District-wide community orchard initiative and a Climate Change Forum to support our residents and businesses to play their role in tackling the issue.”