Louth & Mablethorpe secondary school '˜ranked bottom in East Lindsey' in latest league tables

Monks' Dyke Tennyson College was ranked bottom among East Lindsey Secondary Schools when it came to GCSE results last summer.

The latest Government League tables - published today (Thursday January 21) - show that only 19 per cent of pupils achieved five or more GCSE’s between grades A*-C, including English and Maths.

That is well below the national average - and leaves Monks’ Dyke ranked below rival schools in the East Lindsey area.

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The school has two sites - one in Louth and the other in Mablethorpe.

Campaigners are desperately trying to keep the Mablethorpe site open after County Council officials backed proposals this week to close it.

Monks’ Dyke did fare better at A-Level standard, as 53 per cent of pupils achieved three or more passes at Grade A*-C.

No-one at the school was available for comment this afternoon.

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The GCSE A*-C pass rate was 46 per cent at Birkbeck School and Community Arts College, and 43 per cent at Cordeaux Academy.

The rate at King Edward VI Grammar School was 97 per cent, with 93 per cent of pupils achieving three or more A*-C grades at A-level.

At Queen Grammar Elizabeth Grammar School in Alford, the rate at GCSE was 95 per cent, and 100 per cent at A level.