Mablethorpe and Sutton Town Crier Roy is off to become Chelsea Pensioner

Town Crier Roy Palmer is heading off to become a Chelsea Pensioner.Town Crier Roy Palmer is heading off to become a Chelsea Pensioner.
Town Crier Roy Palmer is heading off to become a Chelsea Pensioner.
The popular Town Crier of Mablethorpe, Trusthorpe and Sutton on Sea will not be shouting '˜Oyez Oyez' much longer as he is heading off to become a Chelsea Pensioner in September.

Roy Palmer (79) began his role as the Town Crier around six years ago - but the decorated roll initially started off quite differently.

He told the Leader: “It started off as more of an entertainment novelty at first.

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“The first town clerk at the council said it would be good to get a Town Crier for the Mablethorpe Illuminations events and asked if I would do it - and it all spiralled off from there.”

Roy has covered many of the town’s events as Town Crier over the years and added that he has loved every second of it.

He admitted: “It’s been the best job in the world!”

And Roy will certainly be missed.

Mayor of the town, Councillor Stephen Palmer said Roy has massively enhanced the reputation of the Town Council by association and has put the area on the map and helped with publicity on a local, national, and even an international scale.

Coun Tony Mee, who was the Mayor last year, added that Roy had been an ‘absolute asset to Mablethorpe’, and that the Chelsea Pensioners will benefit from his entrance.

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Due to a change of lifestyle, Roy has decided to retire and will soon be wearing the iconic scarlet Chelsea uniform and living with the ex-military pensioners at the beginning of September.

The big question on everyone’s minds now is, will Roy be replaced?

Even though the Town Crier role is voluntary, Mablethorpe and Sutton on Sea Town Council still need to discuss the matter first.

But the council wished to thank Roy for his dedication and support over many years.

○Will you miss Roy and like to see the role carry on? Send us your memories about Roy’s time as Town Crier to: [email protected].