MP: People of Bassetlaw back plans to strengthen ties with Sheffield City Region

John MannJohn Mann
John Mann
The Government are currently pursuing a devolution agenda across the country and are giving some councils a choice over the devolution deal they will be connected to the future.

Bassetlaw is one of those authorities and the council is currently considering whether they should strengthen ties with Sheffield City Region or should they build on their current relationships with Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and their two cities.

Bassetlaw District Council will shortly be taking this decision and in advance of this Bassetlaw MP John Mann has asked residents which direction they think Bassetlaw should face.

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Over 1,500 people have participated in the survey with 72 per cent favouring joining Sheffield City Region, 13 per cent believing that the area should be looking towards Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire and their two cities and nearly 15 per cent of residents who are undecided.

John Mann said: “Bassetlaw Council has a huge decision to make as this will either tie our transport infrastructure and our economic growth strategy into Sheffield City Region or to the North Midlands Deal.

My survey found that joining up with Sheffield City Region has the backing of 72 per cent of Bassetlaw people and is a view that is consistently held right across Bassetlaw from Misterton to Retford to Worksop.

“Residents people are absolutely clear on the way forward for Bassetlaw.

“I hope that the Council takes these views on board when it comes to taking this key economic decision.”