Walking footballers kick off winter season in new venue

Wolds Wanderers have moved to the leisure centre for the winter seasonWolds Wanderers have moved to the leisure centre for the winter season
Wolds Wanderers have moved to the leisure centre for the winter season
If you made a new year resolution to get fit but haven’t quite got round to doing something about it, why not join the walking football revolution at Market Rasen Leisure Centre.

While there has been a Monday evening session for some time, the Wolds Wanderers are now living up to their name and have wandered south from their usual home at Caistor to make the centre the venue for their winter season.

Sessions take place on Wednesday mornings, from 11am to noon.

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Thousands of people have rediscovered the joys of playing football thanks to this slowed-down version of the beautiful game.

Wolds Wanderers spokesman, Bob Tubman, said: “Some imagine that it’s quite static, but it’s more than a stroll in the park. It can be exhausting and you will certainly improve your fitness and may possibly lose weight.

“There are loads of health benefits and we have had two players who have lost enough weight to come off their diabetic medication (with doctors’ consent of course).

“It’s also a great way to meet new people and improve your levels of happiness.”

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They recently welcomed new recruit Brian, who said: “I found it quicker than expected, but I really enjoyed the game. I was made to feel welcome and I liked especially that every player made it a point to welcome me personally.’

The minimum age for participants is 55, but there is flexibility for younger people with health issues preventing them from playing the regular game.

Bob added: “In a cost of living crisis, it’s cheaper than chips – just £3 a game – and the first game is free.

“If you’re still not too sure, why not come down to the leisure centre and have a chat.

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"Afterwards, we plan to have a catch up in the Aston Arms to get to know each other better as well to discuss the goals we should have scored but never quite did.

For more information, email Bob on: [email protected].

You can also log on to their Facebook page to see if you recognise anyone - Wolds Wanderers Walking FC.

For those unable to make the Wednesday morning session, the Monday evening outdoor session run by Gary Fenwick, kicks off at 6.30pm.

Email [email protected] for details.

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