What goes on in The Parents’ Room? Buy the new book to find out!

The Parents Room by Susan Dodd.The Parents Room by Susan Dodd.
The Parents Room by Susan Dodd.
​After publishing four children’s books, a Louth author has now turned her attentions to grown-ups.

​Susan’s first four books have been based around the adventures of talking ginger cat Benson, and new book The Parents’ Room is her first foray into adult humour.The book is set in a smoke-filled, busy room called The Parents’ Room in an infant school on a large council estate on the east coast, and follows the often turbulent, amusing, and sometimes disturbing lives of community teacher Sally Brown and various other interesting characters.

Susan said that the inspiration for the book came from her many years of teaching nursery-aged children on large council estates in Grimsby in the 1980s, and that the main character, Greta, is based on a real person:

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"I began my job as Community Teacher, working alongside the parents of children on two large council estates in Grimsby,” she explained, “In each school there was a designated room for the parents or carers to visit. They came in for a cuppa and chat before the children went to their classrooms.

"Some came to join in the adult education classes and to join in talks, demonstrations and discussions, or maybe to ask for help if they had a problem. Amongst many activities that took place, the parents put on a Christmas pantomime for the children, cooked Christmas dinner, held a sixties night, formed a netball team and even a baptism that the whole school took part in.

”I was soon to discover that working with adults was not quite the same as teaching small children!

I was privileged to meet some wonderful people, shared their trials and tribulations, shared their good times and had fun along the way, and gained a few grey hairs!"

The Parents’ Room is now available to buy on Amazon.