Reminder to complete your self assessment tax return before deadline

Deadline for self-assessment tax returns is January 31, 2018.Deadline for self-assessment tax returns is January 31, 2018.
Deadline for self-assessment tax returns is January 31, 2018.
Quacking ducks employed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are enjoying the quiet life after helping remind the UK's 11.4 million Self Assessment customers to stop ignoring the '˜little niggle' about completing their tax returns.

The ducks were used for the tax authority’s new campaign, prompting those who need to complete Self Assessment returns to do so before the deadline on 31 January 2018.

Before their retirement the birds were posing for pictures for the new campaign which aims to stop people ignoring the ‘little niggle’ they feel before doing their Self Assessment returns.

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After finishing their work for HMRC the ducks now enjoy life in their new home – a bird sanctuary owned by a lover of animals in Oxfordshire.

The ‘niggling’ feeling around doing their tax return is very common for taxpayers.

However, with the help of its team of ducks, HMRC hopes to encourage people to stop procrastinating and get it done before the deadline at the end of January.

The campaign featuring the birds is a helpful reminder to ensure people act on the feeling. Taxpayers will soon spot the ducks on billboards and online.