You should stillbe able to spend a penny in Spa!

The public toilets in Woodhall Spa EMN-160519-153631001The public toilets in Woodhall Spa EMN-160519-153631001
The public toilets in Woodhall Spa EMN-160519-153631001
Fears people could be caught short in Woodhall Spa appear to be receding - thanks to the on going efforts of the Parish Council.

Thousands of visitors are attracted to Woodhall every year but there are concerns the village’s only public toilets could be shut because of cutbacks by cash strapped East Lindsey District Council.

However, parish councillors say it is vital the toilets - situated next to the Conservative Club in Spa Road - are kept open.

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It appears the loos could be included in a ‘package’ of responsibilities handed down from the district council to the parish council.

The district council is keen to off-load some services as it looks to save £6m over the next four years.

The authority is locked in talks with many town and parish councils - including Woodhall - about devolving powers.

Councillors in Woodhall have said they would be interested in having a bigger say in some decisions, including car parking, planning and, it appears, the toilets.

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Council chairman Coun David Clarke confirmed the toilets could be part of an overall ‘devolution package’ for the village but stressed no decisions had been made and talks with ELDC were still taking place.

Coun Clarke appeared to rule out a suggestion by district councillors that local hotels could be paid , if they allowed non-customers to use their toilets.

He warned any package with ELDC would have to be approved by the parish council and backed by residents as any extra expense would lead to an increase in the village share of council tax bills.