Prize performance by pupils at a Woodhall Spa school

Prize-winning pupils at St Hugh's School. Picture: Supplied. EMN-180320-153848001Prize-winning pupils at St Hugh's School. Picture: Supplied. EMN-180320-153848001
Prize-winning pupils at St Hugh's School. Picture: Supplied. EMN-180320-153848001
There is cause for celebration at a Woodhall Spa school as pupils impressed judges at a leading festival.

A record number of pupils from St Hugh’s School entered the Lincoln Festival of Music and Drama with many taking first, second and third prizes in their categories.

The school’s Year 7 and Year 8 orchestral ensemble returned victorious after competing in the School Ensemble up to Year 13 category and received complimentary remarks from the judge.

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This ensemble group, together with an individual pupil who won the Acting category up to Year 9, were invited back to play at the End of Festival concert which showcased the prize-winning performances.

Headmaster at the school, Chris Ward, said; “I am very proud of all our pupils.

“They have worked extremely hard practising their pieces be it music, prose or poetry and have represented St Hugh’s magnificently.”